How to Create Animal Manure Bio Organic Fertilizer


In the pursuit of sustainable agriculture and eco-friendly gardening practices, organic fertilizers derived from animal manure have gained considerable attention. These biofertilizers not only enrich the soil with essential nutrients but also promote microbial activity and soil health. This article delves into the process of creating efficient animal manure bio organic fertilizer.

Understanding the Basics of Animal Manure

To begin with, it’s crucial to understand that the primary aim is to decompose the manure into a nutrient-rich humus. Animal manure, which commonly comes from cows, chickens, or horses, is a potent source of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium — key nutrients for plant growth. However, it also contains pathogenic microorganisms and potentially harmful weed seeds, necessitating proper processing.

The Composting Process

1. Selection and Collection: Choose manure from healthy animals and ensure it is free from contaminants such as antibiotics or heavy metals. Collect the manure along with carbon-rich materials like straw or dry leaves to maintain a balanced carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, ideally around 30:1.

2. Pile Formation and Aeration: Arrange the mixture into a pile or windrow in a well-drained area. The pile should be turned regularly, at least once a week, to aerate it. This facilitates microbial activity and accelerates the decomposition process.

3. Monitoring Moisture and Temperature: Maintain moisture levels at about 50-60%. The compost should feel like a damp sponge — neither too dry nor too waterlogged. Temperature is another critical factor; it should rise to at least 55°C (131°F) to kill pathogens and weed seeds, and be monitored to ensure it remains within the optimal range.

Click there to get the process of making high quaility animal manure biofertilizer.

Maturation and Application

After approximately 3 to 6 months, depending on conditions, the compost should have a dark, crumbly texture and an earthy odor, signaling its readiness for use. Apply this mature bio organic fertilizer to your garden or farm fields to improve soil fertility, structure, and water retention. In this stages, you can also use a biofertilizer composting machine to speed up the fermentation process. YUSHUNXIN has many composting machines for sale for you to choose from.

animal manure biofertilizer making process
animal manure biofertilizer making process

Environmental Considerations

While using animal manure as organic biofertilizer is beneficial, it is essential to adhere to environmentally sound practices. Avoid applying compost near water bodies and practice crop rotation to maintain soil health and prevent nutrient leaching.

In summary, turning animal manure into organic fertilizer involves a systematic composting process that balances nutrients and addresses potential hazards. By following these steps, gardeners and farmers can sustainably enrich their soil, contributing to an eco-friendly agricultural cycle. If you want to turn the animal manure into biofertilizer, please visit:

Exploring the Key Features of a 30 T/H NPK Fertilizer Pellet Making System

The world of fertilizer production constantly evolves to meet the growing demands of various industries. Understanding the core features of a 30 T/H NPK fertilizer pellet making system provides valuable insights into the granulation process. This system efficiently transforms raw materials into high-quality granules, serving diverse sectors with distinct needs.

What Raw Materials Are Suitable for Fertilizer Production?

Fertilizer production requires specific raw materials to ensure optimal granule formation. Commonly used materials include urea, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, and various phosphates. These components play a pivotal role in enhancing soil fertility and crop yield. For the agricultural industry, granulation using these materials results in uniform particles that improve nutrient distribution. In contrast, the chemical industry values these granules for their stability and controlled release properties. Each sector benefits uniquely from the versatility of raw materials used in NPK fertilizer pelletizing.

NPK Materials for Double Roller Extruder
NPK Materials for Double Roller Extruder

How Does a 30 T/H Fertilizer Pellet Making System Operate?

A 30 T/H NPK fertilizer pellet making line integrates several advanced machines to ensure efficient granulation. The process begins with a loader type feeder, which supplies raw materials at a consistent rate. These materials then move to a crain crusher that reduces particle size for optimal mixing. A horizontal mixer blends the components to achieve a homogenous mixture. Subsequently, 12 double roller extrusion granulators press the mixture, creating uniform pellets. This dry granulation method, known as extrusion or compacting, ensures precise pellet formation without the need for drying. The system’s design and machinery work in synergy, emphasizing the importance of each component in the pelletizing process.

Double Roller Granular NPK Fertilizer Production Line
Double Roller Granular NPK Fertilizer Production Line

What Are the Essential Features of the Machinery Involved?

The machinery used in the 30 T/H fertilizer pellet manufacturing process offers several critical features. The loader type feeder provides efficient material handling, while the crain crusher ensures consistent particle size. The horizontal mixer facilitates thorough blending for uniform granule production. The system’s heart lies in the 12 double roller extrusion granulators, which perform dry granulation to produce dense, durable pellets. A rotary screening machine follows, sifting out any irregular particles to maintain quality standards. The automatic packaging scale ensures accurate, efficient packing, complemented by belt conveyors that streamline transportation within the facility. These features demonstrate the system’s comprehensive approach to producing high-quality NPK fertilizer granules.

Why Choose a 30 T/H NPK Fertilizer Pellet Making System?

Selecting a 30 T/H NPK fertilizer granulation line offers several advantages. The system’s high capacity meets the demands of large-scale production, making it suitable for industries requiring substantial output. Its ability to handle a variety of raw materials provides versatility in production, catering to different market needs. The use of double roller extrusion technology ensures precise pelletization, yielding consistent granules with optimal nutrient content. This system not only enhances production efficiency but also supports sustainable practices through dry granulation methods that minimize energy consumption. Manufacturers seeking efficient, reliable solutions find great value in these systems.


In conclusion, the 30 T/H NPK fertilizer pellet making system exemplifies the convergence of technology and efficiency in fertilizer production. Its comprehensive machinery, including the loader type feeder, crain crusher, horizontal mixer, and double roller extrusion granulators, embodies innovation in granulating processes. A professional fertilizer equipment manufacturer, Yushunxin, offers these advanced systems, ensuring they meet the diverse needs of the fertilizer production industry. Their expertise and understanding of the market’s demands provide businesses with opportunities to enhance productivity and quality in fertilizer pellet manufacturing. You can visit:

What is the Best cow dung waste management? Organic fertilizer making

The sustainable management of cow dung, a natural byproduct of dairy and livestock farming, presents an opportunity to convert waste into valuable resources. Through technologies like composting and organic fertilizer granulation, cow dung can be effectively transformed into nutrient-rich products that enhance soil fertility and support sustainable agriculture.

1. Composting Cow Dung: A Natural Recycling Process

Composting is one of the most traditional and effective methods of transforming cow dung into a rich organic amendment. This process involves the aerobic decomposition of cow manure by microorganisms under controlled conditions. Here’s how cow dung composting works:

– Collection and Preparation: Cow dung is collected and combined with other organic materials, such as straw or agricultural residues, to balance carbon and nitrogen levels.

– Composting Process: The mixture is heaped into piles or placed in bins, where it undergoes microbial decomposition. Regular turning of the pile ensures adequate aeration and facilitates even breakdown, accelerating the cow dung compost making process.

– Maturation and Application: Once decomposition is complete, the mature compost is rich in organic matter, humus, and essential nutrients. It improves soil structure, enhances water retention, and provides a slow-release nutrient source for plants.

Composting not only reduces the volume of waste but also minimizes methane emissions, making it an environmentally friendly solution for managing cow dung.

2. Organic Fertilizer Granules: A Modern Approach

Beyond traditional composting, cow dung can be further processed cow manure into organic fertilizer granules. This approach offers several benefits for modern farming practices:

– Granulation Process: After composting, the mature organic matter is dried and ground into a fine powder. This powder is then shaped into granules using specialized machinery, often with added binders to maintain granule integrity. Click here to learn more.

– Advantages of Granules: Organic fertilizer granules are easy to handle, store, and apply. They offer uniform nutrient distribution and controlled release, ensuring consistent plant growth. Granules also reduce nutrient leaching and enhance fertilizer efficiency.

By transforming cow dung into granulated fertilizer, farmers can create a high-value product that appeals to both local and commercial markets.

Cow dung granular fertilizer making process
Cow dung granular fertilizer making process

Incorporating both traditional composting and advanced granulation techniques not only maximizes the utility of cow dung but also promotes a sustainable agricultural model. This dual approach supports environmental health, enhances soil fertility, and opens new economic avenues for farmers, embodying a true waste-to-wealth transformation. If you need more tips to cow farm waste disposal, you can visit

Производственная линия по выпуску органических удобрений из овечьего навоза: новый рубеж устойчивого сельского хозяйства

В условиях растущего внимания к устойчивому сельскому хозяйству и охране окружающей среды спрос на органические удобрения неуклонно растет. Среди множества сырьевых материалов для органических удобрений овечий навоз выделяется благодаря богатому содержанию питательных веществ и способности улучшать структуру почвы. В этой статье рассматриваются преимущества, технологический процесс производства органических удобрений из овечьего навоза и его положительное влияние на сельское хозяйство и окружающую среду.


### Преимущества овечьего навоза

Овечий навоз богат азотом, фосфором, калием и другими элементами, необходимыми для роста растений. Кроме того, он содержит много органических веществ, которые не только обеспечивают растения достаточными питательными веществами, но и улучшают физико-химические свойства почвы, увеличивая ее способность удерживать влагу и питательные вещества. По сравнению с другими видами животноводческого навоза, овечий навоз имеет более слабый запах и легче перерабатывается, что делает его идеальным сырьем для производства органических удобрений.

### Технологический процесс производства

1. **Сбор сырья и предварительная обработка**: Сначала собирается свежий овечий навоз с ферм. Для удаления примесей и предотвращения запаха проводят предварительное просеивание и ферментацию.

2. **Компостирование**: Обработанный овечий навоз укладывается на место для ферментации с добавлением таких материалов, как солома или опилки, для регулирования соотношения углерода и азота. С помощью переворачивания или ферментационного оборудования повышается эффективность ферментации, которая завершается за 2-3 недели.

3. **Дробление и просеивание**: После ферментации навоз дробится до необходимой мелкости. Затем через оборудование для просеивания удаляются не полностью ферментированные крупные частицы, чтобы обеспечить качество продукции.

4. **Гранулирование**: Измельченный навоз превращается в гранулы с помощью гранулятора. Этот этап облегчает хранение и транспортировку, а также обеспечивает равномерное распределение при внесении удобрений.

5. **Сушка и охлаждение**: Гранулы органического удобрения сушатся для снижения содержания влаги, что обеспечивает их стабильность и срок хранения. Процесс охлаждения помогает повысить прочность гранул и предотвратить их комкование.

6. **Упаковка и хранение**: Высушенные и охлажденные гранулы упаковываются и маркируются, затем хранятся в проветриваемом сухом складе, готовые к продаже.

### Положительное влияние на сельское хозяйство и окружающую среду

Использование органических удобрений из овечьего навоза не только эффективно повышает урожайность и качество сельскохозяйственных культур, но и улучшает структуру почвы, способствует активности микроорганизмов, укрепляет здоровье почвенной экосистемы. Кроме того, по сравнению с химическими удобрениями, производство и использование органических удобрений значительно снижает загрязнение окружающей среды и уменьшает выбросы парниковых газов, содействуя устойчивому развитию сельского хозяйства.

### Заключение

Производственная линия по выпуску органических удобрений из овечьего навоза является важным способом реализации цикличного использования ресурсов. Благодаря рациональному производству и использованию, она может не только предоставить современному сельскому хозяйству эффективные и экологически чистые решения для удобрений, но и внести вклад в охрану окружающей среды и экономию ресурсов. С продвижением технологий и увеличением спроса на рынке производственные линии органических удобрений из овечьего навоза будут играть еще более важную роль в будущем, внося новый вклад в развитие устойчивого сельского хозяйства. Для получения дополнительной информации посетите:

Operational Tips for Biofertilizer Disc Pelletizing Machines: Maximizing Performance

Disc pelletizing machines play a crucial role in the production of biofertilizers, as they are responsible for shaping raw materials into uniform pellets that are easy to handle, store, and apply. To ensure optimal performance and productivity of these machines, it is important for operators to follow best practices and implement operational tips that can help maximize efficiency and quality of the final product. In this blog, we will discuss key operational tips for biofertilizer disc pelletizing machines to enhance performance and output.

Proper Maintenance and Inspection

One of the fundamental operational tips for biofertilizer disc pelletizing machines is regular maintenance and inspection. Ensuring that the machine is clean, lubricated, and free from any wear and tear can help prevent breakdowns, reduce downtime, and extend the lifespan of the equipment. Operators should regularly check for loose or damaged parts, adjust belt tensions, and monitor the condition of the disc and pan to maintain optimal performance.

Optimal Feed Rate and Material Moisture Content

Another important aspect of maximizing performance in disc granulating machines is maintaining an optimal feed rate and material moisture content. Overfeeding or underfeeding the machine can lead to uneven pellet size and quality, while improper moisture levels can result in difficulties in pellet formation. Operators should carefully control the feed rate and adjust the moisture content of the raw materials to achieve the desired pellet characteristics and maximize production efficiency.

Pan granulator designs
Pan granulator designs

Fine-tuning Parameters and Adjustments

Fine-tuning the operating parameters and adjustments of the disc pelletizing machine is essential for achieving consistent and high-quality pellet production. Operators should pay attention to variables such as disc speed, tilt angle, and moisture addition rate to optimize pellet formation and density. Regularly monitoring and adjusting these parameters based on the desired pellet specifications can help increase output and minimize waste during production. Click here to learn more about its parameters.

Operator Training and Skill Development

Proper operator training and skill development are key factors in ensuring the optimal performance of biofertilizer disc pelletizing machines. Operators should be well-trained in operating the equipment, understanding the production process, and troubleshooting common issues that may arise. Investing in ongoing training and skill development programs can help enhance operator proficiency, improve machine performance, and ultimately boost overall production efficiency. YUSHUNXIN can train your staff to use biofertilizer disc granulation for free.

In conclusion, adhering to operational tips such as proper maintenance and inspection, maintaining optimal feed rates and material moisture content, fine-tuning parameters and adjustments, and investing in operator training are essential for maximizing performance in bio fertilizer pan pelletizing machines. By following these best practices, operators can improve efficiency, enhance pellet quality, and increase overall productivity in biofertilizer production processes. If you want to purchase the disc granulators, please visit: